Leadership Teams

Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP) is the student arm of Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP), a group of over 20,000 physicians advocating for a universal, single payer healthcare system in the United States.

Tune in April 2024 for applications for the 2024-2025 year!

Executive Board

Consisting of 5-7 members, the executive board will continue to have their monthly phone calls, with the addition of Board+Delegates call on at least a quarterly basis.  Board members will be responsible for high-level SNaHP decisions.  There will be 5 PNHP Board advisors on the Executive board, who will relay SNaHP interests to the PNHP board, and vice versa. 

Responsibilities in SNaHP

  • Plan the SNaHP Summit: student board members work together with PNHP’s national organizer and the Leadership Team Leaders to plan the SNaHP Summit each year. This includes reviewing proposals from potential host schools, deciding on a theme, title, and keynote speaker, voting on flyers, reviewing workshop proposals, and reaching out to local chapters, allies, and schools without chapters to circulate information about the Summit.
  • Help lead national meetings with the goal of improving connection between SNaHP chapters nationwide and offering opportunities for education.
  • Plan national actions: SNaHP has held a national action for Medicare-for-All every year since 2015. The Student Board is responsible for initiating these plans and recruiting an action-organizing team.
  • Develop and implement a strategy for coalition building and increasing member and leader diversity.
  • Board leadership: each student board member acts as the rotating leader for ⅕ of the year. During this time, the student board member is responsible for planning as-needed student board conference calls with the other 4-6 student board members, responding to any requests from PNHP, SNaHP leadership teams, and outside organizations, and keeping the student board on track.
  • Develop new student leaders.
  • Evaluate and update SNaHP’s mission and vision.

Responsibilities in PNHP

  • Attend the PNHP Annual Meeting and plan the student ad-hoc session.
  • Join occasional PNHP activist and board-of-director conference calls.
  • Vote on PNHP Board issues: when an issue is circulated to the PNHP board for a vote, the student board votes amongst themselves first to determine our majority decision.
  • That decision is then submitted to PNHP as 4 student board votes.


Infrastructure Committee

Maximum 8 total.  They will be in charge of regional organizing of events, upkeep with chapters, connecting chapters within their respective regions and communicating regional needs with the board.

SNaHP Responsibilities

  • Support existing local chapters: They will occasionally check in with chapter leaders to see if they need help, ask for updated contact information, and follow-up about participation in national actions and events. Delegates will also communicate with chapters regarding upcoming events. Delegates will also keep in contact with the national office and give updates on any chapter events and regional needs.
  • Support the development of new chapters: They will support the development of new student chapters through events and region-based communication.  They will keep in contact with new student members and remind them to sign up for SNaHP online, as well as connect them with local chapters and physicians, with the help of the national office.
  • Support the development and maintenance of a national Google Drive with resources helpful to chapters.
  • Maintain Slack channel to improve communication within and between SNaHP chapters.

Meeting Expectations:

  • Monthly “office hours” and ad-hoc calls with chapter leaders in your region to foster communication and plan campaigns and events
  • Monthly committee-based calls
  • Quarterly calls with Executive Board and Leadership Team 


Education Committee

Maximum 4 total. They will be in charge of member and chapter education. 

SNaHP Responsibilities: 

  • Collect and create education resources: write handouts, compile journal articles, plan webinars. Maintain the availability of these resources through the SNaHP Google Drive.
  • Help organize educational events in collaboration with the Infrastructure Committee and other committees, such as the monthly Activist calls. 
  • Support the  Infrastructure Committee in providing guidance to new and existing chapters.
  • Collaborate with the Media Committee to contribute educational content via social media to SNaHP members and other interested parties.: 
  • Build and maintain relationships: Provide support to the Inclusivity + Outreach Committee to improve SNaHP member and leader diversity. 
  • Collaborate with the Executive Board to continue to grow and improve the SNaHP and PNHP Mission

Meeting Expectations:

  • Monthly committee-based calls
  • Quarterly calls with Executive Board and Leadership Team 


Political Advocacy Committee

Maximum 4 total. They will be in charge of coordinating political campaigns.

SNaHP Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate national political campaigns across chapters and develop strategy and tactics for these campaigns.
  • Connect members and groups to target key political actors. 
  • Develop advocacy trainings.
  • Spread best practices between chapters, in conjunction with Regional Delegates.
  • Research legislative developments at the state and national level.
  • Collaborate with the Executive Board to continue to grow and improve the SNaHP and PNHP Mission

Meeting Expectations:

  • Monthly committee-based calls
  • Quarterly calls with Executive Board and Leadership Team 

Media Committee

Maximum 4 total. They will be in charge of coordinating a communications strategy.

SNaHP Responsibilities:

  • Regularly update the SNaHP Facebook page, Twitter profile, Instagram, and blog.
  • Promote SNaHP/PNHP upcoming actions, meetings, member-written articles, and local advocacy efforts on the Facebook and Twitter accounts, and in the regional Facebook groups.
  • Live-tweet and live-stream content during the SNaHP Summit and PNHP Annual Meeting.
  • Actively solicit student essays for the SNaHP blog.
  • Take responsibility for planning social media campaigns to complement national actions.
  • Circulate media advisories and press releases during national actions.
  • Collaborate with the Education + Infrastructure Committees to contribute educational content via social media to SNaHP members and other interested parties. Maintain the regional Facebook groups: periodically post discussion material, alert local chapters of upcoming events.
  • Provide support to the Inclusivity + Outreach Committee to improve SNaHP member and leader diversity. 
  • Collaborate with the Executive Board to continue to grow and improve the SNaHP and PNHP Mission

Meeting Expectations:

  • Monthly committee-based calls
  • Quarterly calls with Executive Board and Leadership Team 

Inclusivity and Outreach Committee

Maximum 4 total. They will be in charge of expanding SNaHP’s reach.

SNaHP Responsibilities:

  • Develop and implement a strategy for coalition building and increasing member and leader diversity.
  • Brainstorm and develop diversity, inclusion, and access initiatives for inter and intra SNaHP affairs
  • Lead the SNaHP People of Color Caucus. 
  • Coordinate with SNaHP caucuses and interest groups to develop and maintain SNaHP’s collaborative environment
  • Coordinate with Media to develop materials to share with partner organizations
  • Collaborate with the Executive Board to continue to grow and improve the SNaHP and PNHP Mission

Meeting Expectations:

  • Monthly committee-based calls
  • Quarterly calls with Executive Board and Leadership Team