For 35 years, Physicians for a National Health Program (PNHP) has provided thought leadership and evidence-based solutions to the problems plaguing the U.S. health system. PNHP leaders have published research and commentary in publications such as JAMA, Health Affairs, The Lancet, and The New England Journal of Medicine. We have also provided policy advice for members of Congress, as well as testimony for U.S. House and Senate hearings.
PNHP speakers are available in every region of the U.S., and are prepared to speak to medical and health professional students on a wide range of topics, such as:
- Single-payer Medicare for All: How it works and why it’s needed
- Racial health inequities
- The privatization on Medicare and other publicly-funded health programs
- Mental health and addiction care
- America’s rural health care crisis
- Reproductive health care in the post-Roe era
PNHP will reimburse student groups up to $100 for food and beverages at a speaker event.