SNaHP Statement of Solidarity


“SNaHP stands in solidarity with other student and community organizations that promote peace and justice.”

Students for a National Health Program (SNaHP) will continue to advocate for universal, comprehensive health care reform in the United States. With the results of the presidential election, however, our focus on health care reform must be part of a broader effort for justice.

Discrimination, on both the individual and systemic level, has extensively-studied, irrefutable negative health impacts. SNaHP has traditionally operated in the arena of health care reform, but we realize that providing universal access to health care will not be the silver bullet that ends inequality.

SNaHP stands in solidarity with other student and community organizations that promote peace and justice. And SNaHP is prepared to take action with these groups in the name of preserving the human rights to peace, liberty, and justice.

Trump’s proposal to repeal components of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) would leave 20 million people uninsured. Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric and regressive policies threaten the well-being of women, Muslim communities, the LGBTQ community, low- and middle-income families, immigrants, and others among the most vulnerable Americans.

Together, our voices can be louder than Donald Trump’s. The results of this election do not change our core values and shared vision. This moment will be remembered in history as the catalyst of a new, unified movement for social justice and progressive action.