SNaHP Summit 2021 – Day of Action

Although we are coming together virtually, we can still have an impact on pushing Medicare for All forward through direct action. Representative Dwight Evans (PA-03) was a “staunch supporter of Medicare for All,” his words not ours, and a co-sponsor of H.R. 676.



However, since receiving campaign donations from Blue Cross Blue Shield, he has changed his tune.


We need to call out Rep. Evans and hold him accountable to the Americans he is supposed to serve. Let’s get him to cosponsor H.R. 1976 The Medicare for All Act of 2021.  

1.     Call his office, (202)225-4001, and leave the following message:

“Hi, I’m a health professional student and a member of Students for a National Health Program from ___ and I’m calling to urge Representative Dwight Evans to stop taking money from private insurance and endorse H.R. 1976 The Medicare for All Act of 2021. Does he represent Blue Cross Blue Shield, or does he represent the Americans that are dying without access to care or going bankrupt from getting care? We ask Representative Evans to co-sponsor H.R. 1976 today!” 

Other scripts:

  • “…Hahnneman’s closure could have been prevented with universal healthcare. Unfortunately, profiteering took precedence and left thousands of doctors, nurses, and staff unemployed but more importantly, healthcare access to those in South Philadelphia and downtown was made more difficult. We are experiencing firsthand the effects of a for-profit system and we expect you to help us in fixing this problem by co-sponsoring H.R. 1976 Medicare for All.”


  • “…There are over 34,000 uninsured Americans in your district, with minorities making up to 40%, and these conditions have been further exacerbated by the pandemic which led to job loss and large medical expenses. We need to do something about our broken healthcare system, and single-payer Medicare for All is the only way forward to help everyone.”


2.    Quote this tweet and use the following sample text to call him out: 

@RepDwightEvans I agree! So stop taking money from private insurance and sign on to H.R. 1976 M4A now! #MedicareForAll #2021SNaHPSummit #M4A

Or share this image:


3.      Share with family and friends and get them to do the same.

Feel free to tweet at your own representatives that don’t support M4A or have fallen off the bill, and don’t forget the hashtags! #MedicareForAll #2021SNaHPSummit #M4A
